Wednesday, November 10, 2010

You Are Gone

What is this heart of mine, but an open field of grief?
Watered by the rains of loneliness
 Each beat rushes blood through my veins in painful reminder

You are gone

I have drifted through the cycle of seasons knowing this
Deep inside me I have known you won’t return
Ne’er the less I have floated on foolish hope
For when I feel your presence surround me
How can I believe

You are gone

Don’t you see my love?
 How my torment burns through reason?
This fervent need in me won’t rest
To seek you in all I do and all I am
Consumes each waking moment
In dreams I am drawn into love divine
And lay upon your bed to rest
But then I wake to find

You are gone

Swimming between these islands of thought
I am left adrift
Unable to choose just one existence in which to live
For when the agony of knowledge invades my soul
I quietly slip into my haven, my refuge
Where denial brings me you
 As you were and still are within my heart
From this I draw strength to face that moment
When I step once more into the mortal realm to find

You are gone

© Valmai Owens, 2010. All Rights Reserved
No reproduction without permission from author.

1 comment:

  1. michael was a victim of a selfish kind of
    love.and its soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
    terrible,what he had to suffer from all the
    tabloids and vampires,they were looking only
    from his money.
    but god dont make mistakes.
    they all have to pay a much harder prizr,one
    in loving memories of an honest finest human,michael jackson.
    love,eva maria.
